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Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency was officially released on NGMN

low carbon and sustainable mobile network

Page Contents:
1: The Green Future Networks Project
2: NGMN alliance
3: The Release of Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency
4. The white paper of Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency
5. Significance
6. Follow-up project


1. The Green Future Networks Project

NGMN kicked off the Green Future Networks Project in 2020, actively cooperated with standardized institutions to put forward new suggestions about key performance indicators, ecological design and energy efficiency, providing guidance to the telecom industry.

2. NGMN alliance

NGMN alliance is a global institution in telecom industry built by leading mobile network operators to provide influential industrial guidance and support the launch of 5G application as well as the development of sustainable and green network.
The ultimate goal is to meet the requirements and expectancy of customers.


3. The Release of Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency

Recently, edited by China Mobile, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, Huawei, Ericsson and other global industrial partners, Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency was officially released on NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance), pointing out the direction of promoting a low carbon and sustainable green development of the global 5G mobile network.
The Release of Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency

Focusing on improving the network energy efficiency to lower the energy consumption of mobile network, the white paper comprehensively analyzes the energy-saving solutions for 5G mobile network.

4. The white paper of Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency

Concentrating on how to enhance network energy efficiency, the white papers aims at lowering the energy consumption of mobile network to the greatest extent and decreasing the environmental influence caused by ICT network.
After the introduction of the current status of energy consumption led by mobile network, the white paper presents the technical introduction and solutions from energy-saving function, radio unit, base band processing, artificial intelligence and other aspects:
·  Use symbol shutdown, channel silence and sleep mode function to save energy
·  Enhance the capability of baseband processing and the improvement of AAU architecture
·  Design co-design of multi-band network architecture
·  Apply artificial intelligence technology in 5G area

5. Significance

The release of Green Future Networks not only indicates a direction towards the green development of global mobile network, but also enlarges the global influence of China 's telecom industry.
According to the latest data, the carbon emission of the worldwide ICT industry accounts for only 1% of the total carbon emission, while enhancing the energy efficiency by using ICT Technology can help all industries reduce carbon emission by up to 15% of the total carbon emission.
Therefore, global operators study how to reduce energy consumption of 5G, meanwhile, they cooperate with all industries, promoting digital transformation to lower carbon emission by using 5G.
Releasing this white paper with industrial partners on NGMN, China Mobile succeeded in promoting global industrial partners to explore the solutions of developing green network and enhancing network energy efficiency . Moreover, it also enlarges the global influence of our nation' s telecom industry.

6. Follow-up project

After the release of this white paper, the Green Future Networks Project will be promoted by China mobile and other global partners to explore more technical solutions. It’s also crucial to publish a series of white paper about green future network, contributing to the low carbon and sustainable development of global ICT industry. 
China Mobile always keeps cooperating with all parties to promote green transformation in all industries with green technology, helping industries joined in green and low-carbon transformation and enhancing the social value of ICT industry. 
As one of the global partners of China Mobile, IPLOOK also devotes to the green transformation.

Click and download the documentation: Green Future Networks-Network Energy Efficiency.PDF
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