MNO Solution
MNO Solution
There is still last building wave of 4G network in next 2 to 3 years worldwide. There may be 2 aspects about marketing insight:

a) In some country, the telecom consumption is still very high, some investors want to enter telecom domain, they are willing to invest in these countries. These investors are willing to invest some local small operators or create a new operator, they jump 2G/3G to 4G/5G directly, so they can surpass top operators easily in that country.

b) The whole 4G industry chain is very mature in global, and the network building cost is decrease substantially. Many enterprises and governments department are willing to build their own private wireless network.

4G Product Portfolio.PDF 5G Product Portfolio.PDF

MNO Customer Case
MVNO Solution
MVNO Solution
The Mobile Virtual Network Operator(MVNO) business is the fastest growing trend today and a very lucrative opportunity in mobile telecommunications. But what is MVNO?

The MVNO provides wireless communication services without the full infrastructure or license to use radio frequencies. It provides wireless communications with agreements already in place with mobile network operators (MNOs). These companies obtain bulk access to mobile communications networks for their consumers at set retail and wholesale prices.

Online MVNO CRM Experience

MVNO Customer Case
WISP Solution
WISP Solution
Wireless internet service providers (WISPs) offer over-the-air, high-speed Internet access connections to companies, governmental organizations, schools, residential customers and other institutions having Local Area Networks (LAN).

Wireless data links take place of dedicated leased lines where the leased line connection is not possible or too expensive. IPLOOK provides end-to-end FWA(fixed wireless access) solution (including Base Station, Core Network and CPE) for WISPs.

4G Product Portfolio.pdf 5G Product Portfolio.pdf
Private LTE Solution
Private LTE Solution
A private network is an enterprise-dedicated network that provides communication connections to people or things belonging to a specific enterprise and provides specific services necessary for the business of the enterprise.

The enterprise operates its own network and uses it exclusively. Unlike public networks, only allowed people and devices can access this network, and data generated within the enterprise is processed locally only within the enterprise's dedicated network, ensuring high security and data privacy.

4G Product Portfolio.PDF 5G Product Portfolio.PDF
E2E Wireless Solution
E2E Wireless Solution
The mobile network paradigm has evolved and is reaching a tipping point due to increased number of IoT-connected devices and network traffic loads climbing. Operators cannot carry on business-as-usual and expect to meet surging bandwidth demand, compete with web-scale rivals and prepare for a 5G future. The new model for mobile network economics is founded on dramatic savings in capital and operating expenditure, distributed computing architectures that foster new service models, standard open interfaces and rapid innovation.

With strong relationship with partners from various field of telecommunication industry, IPLOOK is committed to delivering the best services across our end-to-end mobile core solution to deliver the networks of the future.
MEC Solution
MEC Solution
Multi-Access Edge Computing(MEC), which is proposed by ETSI, is a technology which is based on 5G evolution architecture and deeply integrates mobile access network with internet services. MEC can utilize wireless access network to provide services and cloud computing functions for telecom users nearby.

Moreover, MEC can create a telecom-grade service environment with high performance, low latency and high bandwidth with high rapid download of various contents, services and applications in the network, which could enable consumers to enjoy uninterrupted high-quality network experience.
NB-IoT Solution
NB-IoT Solution
Narrow Band-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a standards-based low power wide area (LPWA) technology developed to enable a wide range of new IoT devices and services. Battery life of more than 10 years can be supported for a wide range of use cases.

IoT is being widely embraced with the number of connected devices growing rapidly. For new business models, connectivity must be flexible and agile, in order to meet the network performance required for 5G mMTC application scenarios.
Satellite Solution
Satellite Solution
Satellite broadband is a satellite internet service that can be provided almost anywhere in the world, it provides reliable satellite internet access where terrestrial communication infrastructure is lacking.

LEO satellites(LeoSat)' s advanced and unique system architecture is able to logically separate and route the data as it flows through the system allowing the system to deliver the highest performing, most secure, furthest reaching network in the world.
IPLOOK offers corporate networks secure, reliable and customized satellite communications solutions.
5G NTN Solution
5G NTN Solution
Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) is a terminal-satellite direct communication technology based on the new radio (NR) interface technology developed by 3GPP in R17. As a supplement to the terrestrial cellular network, NTN enables space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) beyond ground-based infrastructure in bandwidth, latency, reliability, etc. It provides seamless network services to global users by providing larger coverage and resilience, satisfying the future network requirements on all-time, all-domain, and all-space communications and interconnected networking.

IPLOOK has studied the deployment of UPF on satellite, satellite-to-ground communications network verification and related innovations, making contributions to the control technology of space-air-ground integrated networks on satellite.
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